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ACEM | Victoria Annual Conference 2024
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Dental Emergency Workshop

When: Friday 13 September, 12.30pm - 5.30pm (includes lunch and afternoon tea)
Cost: $250 per person
Where: RACV Goldfields

Facilitated by Amanda Leske

Join us for a hands-on dental workshop to gain confidence and the know-how of dental emergencies.

We will cover basics including the following:

  • Assessing and describing a dental emergency
  • Dental blocks and analgesia
  • Controlling dental haemorrhaging
  • Basic management of avulsed or displaced teeth and emergency splinting

Everyone is welcome!

Neonatal Workshop

When: Friday 13 September, 12.30pm - 5.30pm (includes lunch and afternoon tea)
Cost: $250 per person
Where: RACV Goldfields

Facilitated by Dr Joel Ziffer

Join us for an opportunity to gain confidence and practice hands-on-skill in:

  • Initial assessment of the newborn infant
  • Assessing if assistance to establish and maintain effective breathing is required and using positive pressure ventilation devices 
  • Providing effective advanced life support in the neonate
  • Endotracheal intubation and endotracheal tube strapping
  • The administration of drugs to improve cardiac output and contractility
  • Insertion of an umbilical venous catheter or intraosseous needle to establish vascular access
  • Tips and tricks for IV access and strapping

Everyone is welcome: prehospital or hospital staff, medical or nursing, intern all the way through to consultant, GP or paramedics.

If Sick Newborn Babies leaves you in a cold sweat, definitely come and join us to warm up your hands!

Ultrasound: Progress POCUS and SLICE Workshop

When: Friday 13 September, 9:00am - 5:00pm (includes a full day of catering)
Cost: $450 per person
Where: RACV Goldfields

Facilitated by an experienced team of ultrasound professionals 

This workshop is a full day, the cost of registration covers a full day learning experience and catering.

Watch the video for more information: 

“Progress POCUS” supports FACEMs and trainees who are pursuing ACEM’s recommended credentialing pathway for ultrasound. Experts in ultrasound will be present to proctor your scans as well as carry out Formative and Summative Assessments for eFAST, AAA, Lung, Focused Echo In Life Support (FELS) and Vascular access.

Proctored scans can be entered into your logbook (for hospital credentialing or for CCPU purposes) where up to 50% of logbook cases can be “non-clinically” indicated.

We will finish the day with a review of the SLICE protocol (aka the “quick and easy” RUSH protocol) which provides a stepwise approach to using Lung, FELS, eFAST and AAA scans in the assessment of the shocked or SOB patient.

Target audience: Emergency Physicians, CMOs, Trainees, Certificant and Diploma Candidates, and anyone who wants to improve their ED point of care ultrasound skills.